Monday, September 02, 2024

Objectivist Round-up, September 2024

1. The first biography of Ayn Rand in fifteen years just came out, Ayn Rand: Writing a Gospel of Success by Alexandra Popoff.  Chris Matthew Sciabarra reviews it.   Popoff is interviewed here.

2. Phil Donahue passed away recently.  He interviewed Rand two times: here and here.

3. The Ayn Rand Archives has enjoyable presentation: Ayn Rand In Film and On Stage.

4. Leonard Peikoff’s daughter Kira is attempting to place him under a conservatorship.  According to Leonard this was prompted by his changing his will, giving half of his estate to his wife and half to Kira. Peikoff said he is unable to pay his legal fees because he had given so much of his estate to Kira that he has little left. After Peikoff’s letter was published, it was discovered that his wife is 28 years younger than him and was his caregiver.  Peikoff and his wife (whom he married two years ago) purchased a $3.7 million dollar home in San Diego.