Saturday, November 30, 2024

Objectivist Round-up, December 2024

1.     The Ayn Rand Fan Club interviews anarcho-capitalist Walter Block.  Block discusses his involvement with the Objectivist movement in the 1960’s, among other things.  Speaking of Block, he debated Objectivist Michael Leibowitz on anarcho-capitalism.

2.    Carl Barney posted about the Leonard Peikoff conservatorship case.  Barney takes Kira Peikoff’s side.  Barney concludes his post by saying, “This ordeal is private between Leonard, Kira, and now Grace. Let’s leave it alone,” while spending the previous ten or so paragraphs “trashing” people including Tal Tsfany (ARI president), Yaron Brook, James Valliant, and Peikoff’s new wife.  Brook said Barney is lying about him.  Looks like the Objectivist world is using this sad situation to settle old scores.

3.    The big news, of course, was that Donald Trump was elected president.  From what I can tell, most Ayn Rand Institute officials either supported Vice President Harris or didn’t vote.  On the other hand, most non-ARI Objectivists, even those who don’t support “Open Objectivism”, voted for Trump. It’s interesting that of the three issues that most concern the ARI – abortion, immigration and Israel – Rand wrote about only one

Saturday, November 02, 2024

Objectivist Round-up, November 2024

1. Alexandra Popoff, author of the new biography of Ayn Rand, is interviewed here.

2. The Ayn Rand Fan Club interviewed David Kelley on his theory of propositions.

3. The Ayn Rand Institute’s Aaron Smith interviewed Elan Journo concerning his recent reviews of the 2009 biographies of Ayn Rand by Jennifer Burns and Anne Heller.  Journo continues to misrepresent these books.  At the end of the interview, Journo says there is a biography in the works (presumably the authorized one by Shoshan Knapp, which has been promised for at least 20 years).

4. Leonard Peikoff will be voting for Trump

5. Kira Peikoff, LĂ©onard’s daughter, is dropping her conservatorship action.  Her statement reads in part:

In March of 2024, I filed for a Conservatorship over my 91-year-old father, Dr. Leonard Peikoff. I took this action after I lost all communication with him and he deeded title to his house to his nurse and then married her. I was subsequently cut out of his life. I felt I owed it to my father, with whom I had a lifelong loving and close relationship, to protect him. The conservatorship was my only option to reach him and to try to help him after communication closed.

After much thought, I have decided to drop the conservatorship case. Although I still believe I have a strong legal case that is supported by multiple disinterested witnesses (see first comment below), a neutral Court-appointed medical expert, and the presumptions of undue influence under California probate code, my dad has shown himself to be beyond reach as a victim used by his abuser.

Even though many people in our lives can attest that we previously had a close and loving relationship for 38 years, my father has been convinced, under what I believe is the undue influence of his nurse-turned-wife, that I am an evil, greedy person who doesn’t care about him and only wants his money. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even if I were to prevail at trial, so much damage has been done already that it would amount to a Pyrrhic victory.

My father’s love for me has been destroyed, and I no longer believe that any amount of evidence brought to his attention will open his eyes. Also, a conservator’s actions to protect him from financial fraud would take at least another year or two of contentious litigation to reverse the harm that has likely already occurred. If he is not able to understand what should be obvious, that I am trying to protect him, I do not wish to put him through a prolonged legal battle at this stage of his life.

Kira also released a couple of affidavits from people who know Leonard and have first-hand information concerning his relationship with his new wife.  While Leonard may be competent, it’s hard not to conclude that he is being taken advantage of.  For example, his wife’s son appears to be living in the nearly four-million-dollar mansion.  Harry Binswanger sided with Kira saying Peikoff’s wife is a “gold digger.”