Monday, April 08, 2024

Objectivist Round-up, April 2024

1. Another month and another Kindle book about Rand.  This time it's Individual and Society: Navigate Ayn Rand's Individualism and John Dewey's Communal Insights by one Adrian Locke  It's brief and I've only skimmed it, but the book mentions Dewey only twice in passing without any citations to his works (likewise no citations to Rand's work) so I'm not sure what the point is.

2. Yale University just announced an addition to its Jewish Lives series, Ayn Rand: Writing a Gospel of Success by Alexandra Popoff  It will be the first English biography of Rand since the 2009 biographies by Anne Heller and Jennifer Burns.* The book, which is due out in August, will be 264 pages long.  The blurb says the book is "exhaustively researched" but it's shorter than three full-length biographies of Rand (Burns, Heller and Barbara Branden).

3.  Speaking of biographies of Ayn Rand, Yaron Brook said recently the long-awaited authorized biography of Rand by Shoshana Milgram Knapp has taken longer than he "would have liked or expected."  One can only speculate on the reason for the delay.

4.  The Ayn Rand Institute's Ayn Rand University is up and running.  If you don't want to enroll you can audit Harry Binswanger's Objectivist Logic for a mere $1,580.

*If I recall correctly, there were biographies in French and Russian.


Eric said...

The YouTube algorithm has recommended to me the channel Ayn Rand Centre UK. If you're going through a bunch of their videos I was mildly surprised by the total lack of any content dealing with what is going on inside of the United Kingdom. Absolutely nothing about the hate speech law in Scotland, the lack of housing and inflation, nothing about Mass immigration, or the upcoming election and the possibility of a Labour government. It is if the entire channel is nothing more than a foaming at the mouth pro war Israeli propaganda organ. They routinely talk about why the Geneva Convention shouldn't apply. Their latest video is on why Israel should detonate a nuclear weapon over Tehran.

Personally, I think it's odd that a bunch of atheists who believe that religion is nothing more than a superstition are so hyper focused with a religious conflict going on several thousand miles away from their own backyard.

Anonymous said...

Israel, abortion, and Iran seem to be their main concerns. Also, anything they can label "tribalism."


max said...

"Personally, I think it's odd that a bunch of atheists who believe that religion is nothing more than a superstition are so hyper focused with a religious conflict going on several thousand miles away from their own backyard."

Godless, But Not Irreligious
Though ours is a godless age, it is the very opposite of irreligious. The true believer is everywhere on the march, shaping the world in his own image.

This is one of Eric Hoffer's key insights: Secular mass movements, in which a revered leader plays the role of a deity,

Albionic American said...

Yeah, you have to wonder now what a non-Zionist Objectivism (NZO) would look like.

Also those Objectivists' demonization of "tribalism" makes no sense to anyone who knows Native Americans. Some of my cousins in Oklahoma are members of the Cherokee Nation through their father. (Their mother and my mother are sisters, and we're about the whitest people in the United States.) Also I work with a young Navajo woman here in Phoenix. These individuals' tribal orientations and identities in no way subtract from their humanity. In fact you would expect that outcome, because man is inherently tribal.

Anonymous said...

It does sound odd to think of Objectivists as decrying tribalism, as they sort themselves into tribes at the drop of a hat, what with the basic Objectivist/non-Objectivist tribes as well as the many bitter schisms.

Anonymous said...

>>> If you don't want to enroll you can audit Harry Binswanger's Objectivist Logic for a mere $1,580.

Yikes! As the saying goes, "That would even be a steal at half the price!"

And what is "Objectivist" logic, specifically? Sounds like polylogism: bourgeois logic, proletarian logic, Objectivist logic, etc. I thought there was only "Logic", either predicative or mathematical.

Since Rand's death, Objectivism has both splintered AND become more cultish.